Musical Rations 27, Radio DMG VS 003 & 004, & Viral Drinks 3 – December-y Things….

Here’s the deal! Episode 3 of Radio DMG VS is here.
After the jump, we have Musical Rations 27: “Lower Slowly” and Viral Drinks: “December 2016.”

And away we go!
Musical Rations 027 – “LOWER SLOWLY” – This is a bit of a Halloween styled mix as it gets moody quick. This is two hours of strange chiptunes and stuff. An interesting mix, but I think the next Musical Rations will be a themed set. We’re going to start doing a few that are devoted to single game franchises or concepts. The fluid concepts are okay, but tend to be a bit more random than they need to be. This episode is about 300MB and worth it.

Viral Drinks 003 – “December 2016” – Well, instead of going for “Christmas Music,” I went with a theme again. The whole episode is set up as a story. Actually, if you recognize the songs, there’s really a distinct story going on through here that has arguments, drama, medical problems, redemption, and strange devotion. I almost ended it with a different song, but decided in the last minute to let the “story” have a happy ending. Also discovered that the venue I’m at is pretty cool with hip hop, so I might do something with that in the future. But this is still a pretty good mix of music as the best “radio station” plays down all the hits and stuff. Oh, like episode 002, there’s a “hidden track” after the Ending Ditty. This is about 380MB or so and it’ll make your holiday trips and Christmas shopping a little easier to deal with. Warning! This mix contains groups like Sleeping At Last, Versant, Paper Crows, and more. Seriously, you’ve heard some of this stuff on your “normal” radio and you’ll probably hear some of these in the future. IF there is such a thing as justice in this world. Oh! The featured image at the top says Viral Drinks because this package of stuff was kind of waiting on that. In 2017, we’ll set up nicer top images for Radio DMG VS, Musical Rations, Holding The Bridge, and “prime” Radio DMG.

Oh! Radio DMG VS 004!

You know all of our Social Media stuff, so I’ll just not put it in this post this time for brevity!
But JUST this time. Happy Holidays, people. You are now caught up!

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