Hey! New Radio DMG! Sorry it’s a few days late, but it’s amazing.
IN THIS EPISODE: It’s Memorial Day Weekend. What better way to spend at least THREE HOURS of your time than indulging in delicious Musical Rations! This is also the longest one in a while and it clocks in over three hours. Because of this, the file size is HUGE. There will be two links for you to enjoy though. One is an MP3 and the other is an AAC/M4A. The M4A format is pretty much the same in terms of compression (or lack thereof) and is much smaller in size. Choices! Also, the M4a file is a ZIP file. So, you should DuckDuckGo that and be prepared.
MP3(423MB): Enjoy the awesome!
M4A in a ZIP(168MB): Enjoy the awesome in a lighter package!
There are no show notes for Musical Rations. Have a good weekend!