Radio DMG Episode Archive Jukebox! 1 – ???

Awesomer than Mama? Continue reading

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Viral Drinks Episode Archive Jukebox!

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Limited Run Secret Unboxing! – Area DMG

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The Man Who Saved Pinball! – Area DMG

The future of Radio DMG is to make new episodes, but also to highlight Area DMG items! So, here we go!

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Area DMG Highlights! – 10 Game Boy (Color) titles that need to be Remastered for the Nintendo Switch!

Just a highlight from AREA DMG!
Make sure you’re subscribed to the YouTube Channel and our other Social Media!

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Viral Drinks Episode 005 and a bit more about Radio DMG!

In This Post: It’s a long overdue release of the fifth Viral Drinks Episode and a bit about the new schedule for RADIO DMG! Well, we’ll be updating every day with highlights from Area DMG, specific press releases, and a new audio show every week. Yes. We have a backlog of short shows to get to you! So, I guess you should be prepared for that!

Anyhow, onto this fifth Viral Drinks! There’s actually going to be a merger between Musical Rations and Viral Drinks in the future, but I’m not going to explain that right now. For now, just know that these no longer serve any real purpose outside of being something to listen to while exercising. They were originally for a trivia thing and then a little later as a bit of a mix tape for someone else. Now, they are for running to and lifting to! Which is why the impending merger. That’s after the leap!

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The SNES Classic was announced by Nintendo and you can watch the Area DMG video about that announcement right here!

Of course, there’s other videos that made the round at Area DMG.
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Nintendo wants me to care about LeSportsac (And it worked.)

By Philip Wesley – 06/22/2017

If there is one thing I really do not need, it would be more containers and bags. However, Nintendo and LeSportsac are teaming up to release a line of interesting Mario Themed products on July 19th, 2017 in Japan and this Fall in the Estados Unidos of America. Unfortunately, this line of new products will include two “original designs” called: “Power-Up Burst” and “Mario Travel” that look pretty nice and are sure to make the wallets of our more fashion savvy readers cry out in pain. For me, the absolute kryptonite of this collection is that Game Boy bag. Seriously, someone should buy this bag for me as I am filled with a want for it. You might be filled with a want for these bags too, if you check out the pictures of them from beyond the fold. I have already warned you. I wonder how big that Game Boy bag is actually. It would seem both fitting and also ironic to use it to carry around a Nintendo Switch.
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Area DMG: Unboxing Cave Story + (and our review of it!)

In This Post: It’s an embedded version of our Cave Story + unboxing and review! Just hit READ MORE for the review!

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Everything you didn’t know you wanted to know about Q*Bert!

In This Post: Just in case you missed this amazing panel on Area DMG, we are going to start treating Radio DMG like a News Blog ala things like Tiny Cartridge. So, you’ll see news, video posts, and more here on Radio DMG in the future. Let’s get to this.

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